Russia's Mass Wasting Hazards

 Mass Wasting Hazards are hazards which involve parts of the environment (specifically rock and soil) moving downwards all at once in a way that poses harm to humans. This includes things such as rockslides, mudslides, etc. Causes of these hazards can include things such as earthquakes, heavy rainfall, or a decrease in the usual amount of vegetation in where the hazard occurs.

An example of a serious Mass Wasting event in Russia can be seen in the 2007 Mudslide in the "Valley of Geysers." In this event, despite from what i can tell no people being hurt (This Source states that the tourist group of 20 and the few personnel there at the time weren't in harms way) multiple buildings were destroyed. This slides estimated volume was somewhere between 12-15 million cubic meters of landmass. The case of this landslides wasn't an earthquake, but a result of erosion eventually leading to this slide.


aftermath of the mudflow:

The Geyser Valley after a devastating mudflow Stock Photo - Alamy

To prepare for landslides, recommends that you have an emergency kit, a household evacuation plan, and recommends downloading an emergency app. If you are in an area at risk, they also recommend assembling and maintaining an emergency preparedness kit twice just so you know how important it is to have one and not because of an error on their part. They also recommend watching the patterns of storm water drainage.


  1. Hi Jack,
    Great blog this week! I like that you included what mass waste is and examples. That mudslide in Russia sounds dangerous and hopefully no one was hurt.


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