Russia Summary + Disasters:

Russia is the largest country (in terms of land mass) spanning around 17 million square kilometers. Currently, Russia consists of 8 federal districts, and (based on a 2022 estimate) has a population of around 147 million people. There is currently an international conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which began in 2014 after Russia annexed Crimea. The serious nature of this war shouldn't be understated, and it should be noted that the government of Russia is largely to blame for this terrible tragedy. Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives in the war, and even though I am writing about Russia, this doesn't mean I support Russia in any way. 

Natural Hazards are any disturbance not directly caused by human influence (happens naturally) which have the potential to endanger people or things owned by people.
A Natural Disaster is a Natural Hazard which caused one of these four things:

Ten or more people died because of the disaster,

One hundred or more people were effected by the disaster,

It has been declared a "state of emergency"

Or it has led to the requesting of International Assistance.

A Catastrophe is a disaster which led to a significant amount of money required to fix the damages, and years of time required to recover from the disaster.


  1. Greetings Jack. I really found your insight in your blog interesting and informative. Thank you.

  2. Jack, you are my favorite spokesperson for Russia and it's hazards.


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